Thursday, September 26, 2013

Lego Atlantis Neptune Carrier, Monster Crab Clash, and Gateway Of The Squid sets!

Now this was a favorite Lego theme: Atlantis! I'm gonna talk about Neptune Carrier, Monster Crab Clash, and Gateway Of the Squid!

First, The Neptune Carrier. This set comes with 4 minifigures: 3 divers, and 1 mantis guardian.
The divers are under attack by the mantis guardian and his pet mantis! But the Neptune Carrier can
help by releasing the vehicles! The first vehicle is like a underwater car with robot arms. That can be useful to steal the mantis treasure key! The other one is another one of those underwater speeders they use. They can use this to take car of the guardian. You can put the speeder on the back of the Neptune Carrier.

Now its the Neptune Carrier's turn. So, like with almost every Lego set, has missle launchers.
Those can chase the mantis away. Then when the car thing gets the teasure key, you can open the front of the Carrier and set it down in there. Then when they all want to get inside where the pilot
is, open the side and try to cram them all in there. But will the mantis's return? Or will the divers escape safely? You decide!

Now for Moster Crab Clash. Comes with 1 minifigure: 1 diver.
The diver is trying to find the crab Treasure key! But its being guarded by a monster crab! Can the diver find a way to get the treasure key? The monster crab has sharp, snapping claws. The diver should stay away! And he better watch out for those feet, too! He can step on him and he'll be done for sure! Will the diver survive? Or will the monstrous crab rip him to shreds?


Now the last one, The Gateway Of The Squid. This set comes with 3 minifigures: 2 divers and 1 squid guardian.
The 2 divers have a gateway that leads to a chest full of treasure! But what they don't know is that this is the home of some squids! When you get up the stairs, there will be a weird carving in the rock
that's shaped like the treasure key! When you put the treasure key on there and turn the rock, the gateway will open up! Then when you go up the stairs, you see the treasure chest and your tempted to
take the treasure and leave. But when you walk toward the treasure, be careful! There's a trapdoor in front of the treasure! Then the squids will see you and attack!

Now you see the fake squid thing hanging from the right on the picture above? Guess what? Its alive!
All the squids have to do is release the squid from the hanger! And it can catch you inside its tentacles! Now they can call the giant squid! The giant squid can turn its tentacles and probably smack you!

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