Monday, September 16, 2013

Intro and Seaside House set

 Hello, fellow Lego fans! I'm the Lego king! I'm here to tell you about my favorite thing in the world,
LEGO! So I basically tell you about all the Lego sets and what they do and the Lego guys they come
with. Even some of the old ones that everyone liked! Like Lego Agents, Power Miners, and a lot more! I'm sorry, but I'm not doing Harry Potter or Sponge Bob because I'm not able to watch those but Lord Of The Rings I can do even though I can't watch it, ( and don't worry, I'm not doing Duplo! )
The Lego King started when I thought, why don't I make a blog about Lego because I like it so much? Then The Lego King started.

So, today, I'm going to talk about the Lego set, Seaside House from Lego Creator. It comes with 1 Lego minifigure, a Lego surfer dude or something. Of course, its a house next to some water with
sand for the crab to walk on. Also comes with a tree the hungry seagull can sit on and wait for some
food it can snatch. And take a nice warm shower in the outdoor shower! ( and I think the white stud is the soap and the red thing is the towel, who knows? ) Grill the fish and hurry inside to eat it before the seagull catches it!

 Inside the first floor, there's a ladder that leads up to the next floor, ( does any Lego set have stairs for the house? ) On the second floor, there's nothing inside but there's a door that puts you on the balcony. Before night time the surfer can take his surfboard to the water, ( but try to avoid the crab! ) Then before he goes to bed, ( which, in fact, doesn't come with a bed ) he'll take a drink of, whatever is in his cup.

 And, I forgot to tell you 2 things. 1, the second floor is removable,
2, this is a 3 in 1 set. I don't want to tell you guys about the other 2 because that would be quite long,
but you can figure it out by buying it. If you have it, great. Well done.

I was thinking, isn't the surfer dude kinda lonely? Because the seagull and crab probably aren't much company, ( unless there his pets, which I doubt. ) So I was thinking of some Lego minifigures from
Lego Minifigures you guys can put in with him if you happen to buy it.
Here's what I was thinking of:

Hula Dancer ( Series 3 )
Surfer ( Series 2 )
Surfer Girl ( Series 4 )
Lifeguard ( Series 2 )

Think of anymore from different Lego themes? Please comment!


  1. Hi Blake,
    This is an awesome blog. Great job! Do you have any sets of Star Wars?

  2. Yes I do. I think I might make a post of them soon. Check back later!

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