Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Cool stuff coming in 2014!

Right now, I'm not talking about Lego sets. I'm talking about the Lego stuff coming out in 2014!
I just want to say something about Lego City: I've looked on both Bing and Google, and I've found no
Lego City sets. But I assure you there will be Lego City sets!

Lego Minifigures, No idea, but it looks like their having a MMO video game of Lego Minifigures. Sweet!

And it looks like the Super Heroes theme will be continuing. Because it looked like their making a DC set of The Riddler escaping in his motorcycle with The Flash ( awesome! ) and Batman in his Batcar chasing him.    ( I LOVE The Flash!!! )

Guess what! Ninjago is continuing in 2014! BOO-YAH!!!

Has anybody heard of The Lego Movie coming out? Awesome! They also have a Lego set of it! Its when they're riding on the motorcycle. But then there's robots chasing after them! Awesome! And guess what? Their making a video game of The Lego Movie! Even more awesome!!!

                                                                 Please comment!

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