Monday, September 30, 2013

Lego The Lone Ranger Silver Mine Shootout, Stagecoach Escape, Constitution Train Chase, and Colby City Showdown sets!

Now its time for Lego The Lone Ranger! I'm gonna talk about 4 Lone Ranger sets: Silver Mine Shootout, Stagecoach Escape, Constitution Train Chase, and Colby City Showdown!
First I'm gonna talk about the Silver Mine Shootout. This set comes with 5 minifigures: the Lone Ranger, Tonto, Chief Big Bear, Butch Cavendish, and Skinny Kyle.
The bandits are robbing the silver mine! Lone Ranger, Tonto, and Chief Big Bear need to stop  them and put them where they need to be! Butch Cavendish are hiding dynamite in the mine! There's a button that can make a piece of the wall come off! And if Kyle comes toward the mine, you can drop the falling skull and scare off Kyle for a while. See the waterfall? You can open it up to hide from the robbers. And if you need to go to the little house on top, take the ladder up there, but do it fast before Butch finds you! And if you need to go up to high ground, you can ask Big Bear if he can get the crane to you and climb in the bucket. And you can make the dynamite explosions look real by
launching the rock, but make sure it doesn't hit you! And when Kyle or Butch get on the mine, you can make them fall by using the trap door! And when you need to escape, use the escape chute and slide down to safety! And when you collect all the silver, you can get to the cart and when you hit the sign, you will be catapulted into the air! And to scare the bandits off forever, fire the dynamite catapults and scare them off for good!

Now Stagecoach Escape. This set comes with 5 minifigures: the Lone Ranger, Tonto, Red Harrington, Jesus, and Barret.
Red Harrington is riding away in her stagecoach, but Jesus and Barret want to steal her silver! But the
Lone Ranger and his buddy, Tonto, have come to the rescue! Can they stop the bandits? To get Red
Harrington into the stagecoach is to open the door and put her in. Or another way is to open the roof
and throw her in there. When Jesus is behind the stagecoach, you can catapult the safe! But then you'd have to get on to the horses and detach them from the from the wagon and chase them before they take the silver! And if the bandits get close to the wagon, you can use the mailbag and whack them in the face! And when you want to look ( not steal ) the silver, all you have to do is open it.

Now for Constitution Train Chase! This set comes with 7 minifigures: the Lone Ranger, Tonto, Rebecca Reid, Danny Reid, Butch Cavendish, Latham Cole, and Captain Fuller.
Danny and Rebecca Reid have been captured by Butch Cavendish and his fellow bandit, Latham Cole! But the Lone Ranger and Tonto have came to save them! But what's worse is that Danny and Rebecca are taken captive in the train called the Constitution! Can the heroes save them? First thing to stop them is to tip over the water tower with dynamite! Can Tonto do that before he gets caught?
Now the Lone Ranger must find and save Danny and Rebecca! But Cole is trying to shoot him with his gatling gun! Can the Lone Ranger find the prison car? And to see the battle inside the wagons,
open the roof of the wagons! And to make a dynamite explosion look real, make the door of the wagon fly off! Now you can let Tonto blow up the water tower and make it fall! Now the train has stopped in its tracks! But bandits are still on the run, but nothing is impossible for the Lone Ranger!

Last is Colby City Showdown. the Lone Ranger, Tonto, Dan Reid, Ray, and Frank.
The bandits are robbing the bank! Help the Lone Ranger, Dan Reid, and Tonto put them into jail before they escape! The bandits have a small wagon of dynamite and steal money from the bank!
But fortunately, the jail is next to the bank and Dan Reid has caught them red handed! Now the Lone
Ranger and Tonto are here to help Dan! But the bandits have blown up the wall of the bank with dynamite! ( And you can do it if you have the Lego set ). Now the bandits can steal the money!
But Tonto has climbed up to the roof of the jail and it has a cannon on top of the roof! Now he can
fire cannonballs at the robbers! IF you catch Ray and Frank, put handcuffs on their hands and lead them to the jail! When you open the door, you'll find Dan's office to the left. And to the right is the prison cell where you put the baddies. But what you don't know is that they placed dynamite on the cell! And when it blows, they can escape! Can the heroes catch them AGAIN?

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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Lego Atlantis Neptune Carrier, Monster Crab Clash, and Gateway Of The Squid sets!

Now this was a favorite Lego theme: Atlantis! I'm gonna talk about Neptune Carrier, Monster Crab Clash, and Gateway Of the Squid!

First, The Neptune Carrier. This set comes with 4 minifigures: 3 divers, and 1 mantis guardian.
The divers are under attack by the mantis guardian and his pet mantis! But the Neptune Carrier can
help by releasing the vehicles! The first vehicle is like a underwater car with robot arms. That can be useful to steal the mantis treasure key! The other one is another one of those underwater speeders they use. They can use this to take car of the guardian. You can put the speeder on the back of the Neptune Carrier.

Now its the Neptune Carrier's turn. So, like with almost every Lego set, has missle launchers.
Those can chase the mantis away. Then when the car thing gets the teasure key, you can open the front of the Carrier and set it down in there. Then when they all want to get inside where the pilot
is, open the side and try to cram them all in there. But will the mantis's return? Or will the divers escape safely? You decide!

Now for Moster Crab Clash. Comes with 1 minifigure: 1 diver.
The diver is trying to find the crab Treasure key! But its being guarded by a monster crab! Can the diver find a way to get the treasure key? The monster crab has sharp, snapping claws. The diver should stay away! And he better watch out for those feet, too! He can step on him and he'll be done for sure! Will the diver survive? Or will the monstrous crab rip him to shreds?


Now the last one, The Gateway Of The Squid. This set comes with 3 minifigures: 2 divers and 1 squid guardian.
The 2 divers have a gateway that leads to a chest full of treasure! But what they don't know is that this is the home of some squids! When you get up the stairs, there will be a weird carving in the rock
that's shaped like the treasure key! When you put the treasure key on there and turn the rock, the gateway will open up! Then when you go up the stairs, you see the treasure chest and your tempted to
take the treasure and leave. But when you walk toward the treasure, be careful! There's a trapdoor in front of the treasure! Then the squids will see you and attack!

Now you see the fake squid thing hanging from the right on the picture above? Guess what? Its alive!
All the squids have to do is release the squid from the hanger! And it can catch you inside its tentacles! Now they can call the giant squid! The giant squid can turn its tentacles and probably smack you!

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Lego Indiana Jones Temple Escape!

I'm gonna be talking about one of my favorite Lego sets: Indiana Jones Temple Escape!

This set comes with 6 minifigures: Indy, Rene Belloq, Satipo, Jock, and 2 skeletons ( but not alive ).

Indy and Satipo need your help to escape the temple! Jock is on the way in his biplane, but will he arrive in time? First, you have to get the Golden Idol., but hurry! The statue can fall on top of you! Then you need to get through the firing spears. If you want to fire them, press the back of the spears on the back of the wall! Then Indy has to swing over the edge of the cliff thing ( and lets hope Satipo
can jump that far! ). Then when you start heading to the exit, there's something that makes a big boulder comes rolling to get you! And look out! there will be swinging swords! If you make it to the exit, be warned! Belloq is waiting to attack you! While you hold him off, Jock will be there in time, hopefully! But when you get in the ship, there's a snake, Indy's biggest fears! What will happen, will they throw the snake off the plane, or will it send them off balance and crash? You decide!

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Lego Hobbit The Goblin King Battle and Riddles For The Ring sets!


Now remember when I talked about An Unexpected Gathering set for The Hobbit? ( If you haven't,
then do it this instant! ). Well, I wanted to do it again later! So, I decided to do it now. I'm gonna talk
about 2 of them: The Goblin King Battle, ( want it! ) and Riddles For The Ring! ( have it! ).

This set comes with 8 minifigures: Ori The Dwarf, Nori The Dwarf, Dori The Dwarf, Gandalf The Grey, The Goblin King, 2 Goblin soldiers, and 1 Goblin scribe.
The dwarfs and wizard are taken captive by the Goblin King and his fellow goblins! You must free them and kill the Goblin King! When you go up the ladder, get up fast! Because when you push a button, the ladder will fall! When you  cross the bridge, be careful! When you push a button, the bridge will break! And the goblin scribe like hanging around, but when he sees intruders, he gets pretty angry! Turn the thing and it will ether turn the crane thingy, or the bucket will lower. I don't know, but I know it does something! If you know, please comment me and tell me! I know it must be a hard way, but if you go to the side, there's a lever that if you and pull and makes a cage pop out and probably trap you! And if you want to be rich, push ANOTHER button that makes a box of treasure pop out! $$$! Then defeat the Goblin king when you get there!


Now time for Riddles For The Ring. This set comes with 2 minifigures: Bilbo Baggins and Gollom.
Now you know how Gollom fishes in his little boat? It comes in this set! It has some bones and skeleton arma on the boat. Sweet! Now, in the movie, Bilbo finds the Ring on a rock. Well, the rock is in this Lego set! So, at first it looks like a big rock. But when you move the front rocks, YIPEE!Still nothing. But when you twist the knob, a rock turns over and reveals the Ring!


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