Monday, March 3, 2014

Lego Mixels Mixs Murps!

After my last post, I found out that you can mix other then the Kombis. You can mix Mixels together to make a uncontrollable Mixel. This is called a Murp! (Also, I'm gonna be calling them weird names, like the one below, is Flader, because the way to make that murp is to have Flain and Krader.). And there's also Mix's. There's one character, and the other (or others) help the character with extra powers. (Same thing as the Murps, I'm naming them.)

This is a Murp. This is Flader. You need 2 Mixels to create this Murp: Flain and Krader.

Now, Merps, yes their uncontrollable, but there are certain parts the Mixels control.  I'll start with what Flain controls. He can control the red leg, he has control of the mouth, and he causes the fire on the head. Krader controls the black leg, the face, both arms and hands, and he has the choice of where to turn the body.

Now this one's a Mix. This is Volorch. You need 2 Mixels to make this Mix: Zorch and Volectro.

For this Mix, Volectro is the dominant character. He has his electro fingers to help Zorch. This is what Zorch helps with: the body, the mouth, and the speed.

This is Flainmo. You need 2 Mixels to make this Mix: Flain and Seismo.

Flain is the dominant character. He has his smart fire brain to help Seismo. This is what Seismo helps with: his strong legs, and makes Flain's arms strong!

This one is Flulk. You need 2 Mixels to create this Mix: Flain and Vulk.

Flain is the dominant character. Again, he has his smart brain to help Vulk. And Vulk helps Flain with his fire fingers.

This is Shain. You need 2 Mixels to create this Mix: Flain and Shuff.

Flain is the dominant character. To help Shuff, he has his brain, and puts fire on the back to mak them fast. This is what Shuff helps with: his boulder strong body, and strong arms.

This is Teslain. You need 2 Mixels to create this Mix: Teslo and Flain.

Flain's the dominant character for Teslain. To help Teslo, he has his brain (but Teslo made it electricity rather then fire!) and fire powers on the hands! And, well, Teslo only helps with the electricity on the brain.

This is Flaintor. You need 2 Mixels to create this Mix: Flain and Zaptor.

This time, Zaptor is the dominant character. He helps Flain with his electricity head. Flain hardly helps. He just makes Zaptor's legs taller.

This is Volectrain. You need 2 Mixels to make this Mix: Flain and Volectro.

Flain is the dominant character. He helps Volectro with his brain, and fire powers. Volectro helps Flain with a body with lightning to scare away Nixels (or shock them), and lightning on both hands.

This is Florch. You need 2 Mixels to create this Mix: Flain and Zorch.




Zorch is the dominant character. He helps Flain with fire powers. Flain helps Zorch by making fire come off the legs.

This is Zulk. You need 2 Mixels to create this Mix: Vulk and Zorch.

Vulk is the dominant character. He helps Zorch by making fingers. Zorch helps by letting Zorch breathe fire, and put his eyes on the fingers to help Vulk on the lookout.

This is Krulk. You need 2 Mixels to make this Murp: Vulk and Krader.

This is what Vulk controls: The fire fingers. Yeah. Poor Vulk. Krader controls the feet, arms, body and face.
This is Vulkso. You need 2 Mixels to create this Mix: Vulk and Seismo.

Seismo is the dominant character. He helps Vulk with his big feet. Though, actually, Vulk doesn't help Seismo with anything.

This is Vuff. You need 2 Mixels to create this Mix: Vulk and Shuff.

Shuff is the dominant character. He helps Vulk with putting his boulder chest. Vulk helps by putting his fire on the tail.

This is Tesulk. You need 2 Mixels to create this Murp: Vulk and Teslo.

Vulk only controls the arms and fingers, but it has electricity on one finger! But Teslo controls the legs, body, and head.

This is Zaptulk. You need 2 Mixels to create this Murp: Vulk and Zaptor.

This is what Vulk controls: the feet, the mouth, and the weird tail thingy on the back of it. And Volectro controls the legs, arms and hands, and the rest of the face.
This is Volectvulk. You need 2 Mixels to create this Murp: Vulk and Volectro.

This is what Vulk controls: the legs and feet and fingers. Though Volectro controls the arms and face.

This is Kradorch. You need 2 Mixels to create this Murp: Zorch and Krader.

This is what Zorch controls: feet and legs, the body, the head, and 1 hand. Krader controls both arms and 1 hand.

This is Seizorch. You need 2 Mixels to create this Mix: Zorch and Seismo.

Seismo is the dominant character for this Mix. He helps Zorch with his big feet and legs. The only thing Zorch helps with for Seismo, that is really cool is putting fire beneath the feet so Seizorch can fly!


This is Zorff. You need 2 Mixels to create this Mix: Zorch and Shuff.

Shuff is the dominant character for this Mix. He helps Zorch with his boulder body. And Zorch lets Shuff breathe fire!

This is Zorchlo. You need 2 Mixels to create this Mix: Zorch and Teslo.

Teslo is the dominant character for this Mix. He helps Zorch with his tail that, actually, Zorch puts fire on it instead of lightning!

This is Zorchtor. You need 2 Mixels to create this Mix: Zorch and Zaptor.

Zaprtor is the dominant character for this Mix. He doesn't help Zorch with anything. Zorch put fire on the side of Zorchtor pointing down so Zorchtor can fly!

This is Seiser. You need 2 Mixels to create this Murp: Krader and Seismo.

This is what Krader controls: the feet and the big fist. And Seismo controls the legs, both arms, head and the other hand.

This is Kraduff. You need 2 Mixels to create this Mix: Krader and Shuff.

Krader is the dominant character for this Mix. Krader helps Shuff with his big wrecking ball hand. Shuff uses a part of his body as a weapon.

The is Krador. You need 2 Mixels to create this Mix: Krader and Zaptor.

Krader is the dominant character for this Mix. He helps Zaptor with his hand. Instead of putting lightning on his own head, Zaptor puts his lightning on Krader's!

This is Kradectro. You need 2 Mixels to create this Murp: Krader and Volectro.

This is what Volectro controls: 1 arm and hand, hair, and body and mouth. And Krader controls both feet and legs, the other arm and hand, and the rest of the head.
This is Kradslo. You need 2 Mixels to create this Murp: Krader and Teslo.

This is what Krader controls: the body and both arms and hands. And Teslo controls the head and feet and legs.

This is Seishuff. You need 2 Mixels to create this Mix: Seismo and Shuff.

This is what Seismo controls: the legs and feet and the arm and hand with the fingers. And Shuff controls the arm and dish with gold, body, and head.

This is Seislo. You need 2 Mixels to create this Murp: Seismo and Teslo.

This is what Seismo controls: legs and feet and face. And Teslo controls the arms and hands, and the weird helmet electric thingy.

This is Seisor. You need 2 Mixels to create this Mix: Seismo and Zaptor.

Zaptor is the dominant character. He helps Seismo by putting lightning on 1 shoulder. Seismo has his big legs and feet to make the Mix stronger.

This is Seistro. You need 2 Mixels to create this Mix: Seismo and Volectro.

Volectro is the dominant character. He helps Seismo by putting electricity studs the body and arms. Seismo puts his big legs and feet to look over Nixels.

This is Shufflo. You need 2 Mixels to create this Murp: Shuff and Teslo.

The only thing Shuff controls is the head (not including mouth and electric thing on top). Though Teslo controls the feet and legs, arms and hands, mouth, and electric thing on top.
This is Zaptuff. You need 2 Mixels to create this Murp: Shuff and Zaptor.

This is what Shuff controls: the arms and head. And Zaptor controls the legs and feet and arms and hands.
This is Volectuff. You need 2 Mixels to create this Murp: Shuff and Volectro.

This is what Shuff controls: the body and mouth. And Volectro controls the arms and hands and feet.
This is Teslaptor. You need 2 Mixels to create this Mix: Teslo and Zaptor.
Zaptor is the dominant character. He helps Teslo by putting electricity on one hand. And Teslo just puts his electricity on the other hand.

This is Teslectro. You need 2 Mixels to create this Murp: Teslo and Volectro.

This is what Teslo controls: body, arms and hands, and the weapon.
This is Zaptectro. You need 2 Mixels to create this Mix: Zaptor and Volectro.

Zaptor is the dominant character for this Mix. Volectro puts his fingers (but has sharp claws instead of electro studs.
Please comment!


  1. Nice job Blake Brown, I also collect Mixels and I am gonna make a blog about mixels too

  2. Thanks! I'll make sure to check your blog once in a while!
