Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Lego Mixels Series 1!

In this post, I'm talking about Series 1 of the new theme this year, Lego Mixels!
First, I'm starting with Krader. Mixels come with NO minifigures, but Krader is from the rock tribe, called the Cragsters.

Krader is ready to smash some Nixels! (Nixels are the bad guys in this theme, they want to destroy the Mixels. I think their with each Mixel). He has moving legs, and are big enough to squish Nixels, rotating body, a little hand to greet people, and a big hand to smash! This is a picture of Krader in the Lego Mixels TV Series only on Cartoon Network.

Next is another Cragster. His name, is Shuff!
This little guy may be small, but he's strong! He has moving legs to kick a Nixel way into the air, a round body like a boulder, moving arms to smash rock, and a gold crystal on his head. This is Shuff from the TV show.

Now for Seismo, the tallest of the Cragsters!
Seismo wants to get those Nixels badly! (You can tell by his face). He has stomping feet to scare away the Nixels, little arms, a big, angry eye, and horns to charge at the Nixels like a bull. This is Seismo in the TV show.

Now, if you combine all 3 of the Cragsters, you'll get the Kombi Cragster!
It's Kombi time! The Kombi Cragster has big feet to start an avalanche, a body that looks like a bunch of rocks smooched together, big hands to carry Nixels and throw them WAY far away, and jaws to eat rocks (or Nixels!).

Now were moving on to the Electroids, the electricity tribe. And first, were starting with Zaptor.
Zaptor is being a real shocker today! He is pretty tall, sharp teeth, and a lightning bolt on his head. He can use it to zap Nixels!


This is another Electroid, and he is Teslo!
Teslo is ready to have some shocking fun! Like all Mixels, he has movable legs and arms. But here's something: the electric thingy is actually his tail! He can surprise the Nixels behind his back!


Now for the last Electroid until the Kombi, Volectro!
Volectro's fingers are REAL static! He has moving legs, moving arms and hands AND electro fingers, and a nice, cool, and crazy hairdo.

Now for the lightning striking Kombi Electroid!
It's Kombi time! Electricity style! The Kombi Electroid has 2 movable legs, 2 movable hands, lightning striking tail, a lot of fangs, big eyes, lightning shooting off his head, and a crazy hairdo!

Now we get to the Infernites, the fire tribe in the theme. And first I'm starting with Vulk!
Time to burn up the Nixels! Vulk has moving legs, moving hands and red hot fiery fingers.

Now for the fast moving Infernite, Zorch!
Wanna race? He has pretty tall moving legs, moving arms, and flame exhaust on his back!

Now the last Infernite not including Kombi Infernite, and last Mixel also not including Kombi Infernite, Flain!
Flain's a smart one! He has movable legs and arms, and his head is on fire!

Last is the fire breathing Kombi Infernite!
Lets do this Infernite style! The Kombi Infernite has movable legs, fire everywhere: fire on the back, fire fingers, fire on the back of his head, and he can breathe fire!

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