Thursday, November 7, 2013

Lego Halloween 2013

Its Halloween time! And there are a LOT of Lego Halloween sets. And that means a LONG post for The Lego King!

So, the first one I'll start with is the Lego Witch seasonal polybag. So, if you can see, there's no minifigures. But you can add the Witch from Lego Minifigures! (Talk about her later).

The Witch is ready to make some spells! Now, this set doesn't do much except you can remove her hat easily.

Now, because the rest of these polybags do nothing, just decoration, I am just putting the pictures to let you know what they look like.

Now I'm going to talk about the Zombie from Lego Minifigures. This minifigure is from series 1, and I think was the very first Lego Zombie.
The Zombie is ready for another night with his buddy, the turkey leg! The Zombie used to be a normal dude, but then he either died, or he was either infected by a other zombie. He has ripped pants, ripped shirt, red eyes, and I think he got scraped a few times on his head.

 Now the Vampire from Series 2 is a very sweet minifigure. Like you know how some of your parents don't like vampires and all that? Well this vampire is smiling! Like a regular minifigure!
The Vampire is ready for some blood! The vampire has a really neat suit, some pure black pants, a very cool cape, a nice hair style, scary red eyes, sharp teeth, and his pet bat!

Now the Witch is another minifigure from Series 2, and is probably the very first Lego witch! (Not including Harry Potter). And probably the first minifigure from Lego Minifigures with that kinda Lego dress!
The Witch is now trying another potion! She has a dress with potions hanging from it in case she needs to use them on a walk, a weird kinda belt around her waist, a pointy hat, a broom for flying around (but mostly sweeping), and a bright green face!

 Now, there are a LOT of mummy's, but a favorite is the Series 3 from Lego Minifigures! And he also comes with a red scorpion!
The mummy has been released from his coffin! Its covered with toilet paper (or whatever it is) from head to toe, and it looks like it has green skin and light green eyes!

Now, I like a lot of minifigures, and one of my favorite is the Werewolf from Series 4!
The Werewolf has transformed! Now in the picture above, you can see what the Werewolf looks like before he was transformed. He had really light blue pants, a white torso, and Anakin type hair. But when the full moon comes up, and the man transforms, he has ripped light blue pants, ripped white pants, long ears, bright yellow eyes, and sharp fangs.

Now this is another favorite, the Crazy Scientist! He's REALLY cool because he comes with a green potion! (Oh, and he's from Series 4).
The Crazy Scientist is ready to make a terrifying monster! But there's a chance it will not work. The Crazy Scientist has black legs, a scientist torso which has a belt around it, and the Crazy Scientist most of spilled a little bit of green sludge on it, also has black gloves, goggles, and weird, crazy hair.

Well, I guess the Crazy Scientist actually did something right! He created The Monster!
The Monster is rampaging! The Monster has brown legs, a weird shirt, stitches (or at least I think that's what he has), green hands, a frowning mouth, dark eyes, Band-Aids on his head, and some dark hair or something.

Now, the Vampire's favorite friend, the Vampire Bat from Series 8!
The Vampire Bat is lounging in his cave. He has black legs, furry chest, cool new bat arms, fangs, a weird nose, red eyes, and big, long ears.

 Mr. Good and Evil is a really cool Lego minifigure from Series 9. Its also another guy with 2 faces!
Mr. Good and Evil drank his potion! On his good side, he has a black leg, a nice outfit, a frown, his hat is ripped, and is holding a purple potion. On his evil side, his black leg is ripped, his outfit is torn, he has a green hand, he has a evil grin, a green eye, and a bruise on his hat.

The Scarecrow is from the latest series, Series 11. I know he isn't a monster like the others, but Halloween is in the fall, right? So I decided to do it. He also has a crow on his hat!
The Scarecrow is in the garden doing nothing, as always. He has light blue pants with patches, a shirtwith straw trying to make their way out, buttons for eyes, a smile, a hat, and the crow on his hat.

Now its time for the Halloween Accessory Set. This set comes with 3 minifigures: 1 zombie, 1 witch,
and 1 ghost. Also comes with 2 snakes, 1 spider, 1 mouse, 1 frog, and 1 bat.
The monsters are hanging out near the tombstone. Comes with tombstone you can build, then put the bat on top of it! Then you can put all the weeds and all of those green stuff and your done! Its an easy set to build!


Now for the Lego Monster Fighters. First I'm gonna talk about The Vampyre Hearse. This set comes with 3 minifigures: Dr. Rodney Rathbone, Lord Vampyre, and a zombie driver.
Lord Vampyre is escaping with the Vampire Moonstone! But there's a chance that Dr. Rathbone can catch him on his motorcycle! The motorcycle is red, and has an extra boost thing on the side. Can he make it to the Vampyre Hearse?
The Vampyre Hearse is also quite fast. Now if Dr. Rathbone can catch them, Lord Vampyre can escape by using the catapult function! Will Dr. Rathbone retrieve the moonstone?

Now its time for the set called, The Mummy. This set comes with 2 minifigures: Ann Lee and a mummy.
The Mummy has the Mummy Moonstone! But Ann Lee is in her helicopter about to catch the Mummy! The helicopter looks like a mini helicopter, but comes with a thing to catch the Moonstone.

The Mummy has seen Ann Lee approaching! Now he's riding away in his chariot! The chariot is like the ones that used to be in Egypt, but is being pulled by a skeleton horse! And fire is coming out of its

Now for The Werewolf. This set comes with 2 minifigures: Major Quinton Steele and the Werewolf.
The Werewolf has stolen the Werewolf Moonstone! And Major Steele is tracking him down in his hot rod! Steele's hot rod features a place to put your blunderbuss, and if you look at the front, there's a statue of a frog!
Steele might have a hot rod, but the Werewolf has a tree with a tiny catapult! On the tree, there's a tiny catapult. Put the Werewolf on it, then press down on the red circle thing. And there goes the Werewolf's attack! Will Steele retrieve the Moonstone?



Now The Swamp Creature comes with 2 minifigures: Frank Rock and the Swamp Creature.
Frank Rock is going to get the Swamp Moonstone, but its being guarded by the Swamp Creature itself! But Frank has a swamp boat to defeat it! Now the swamp boat has a place to put your guns on, a spot for Frank to sit and control the swamp boat, and some flick missiles!
Now the place that the Swamp Creature placed the moonstone, is small but also pretty cool. There's a place you can set the moonstone, some seaweed, a frog, and a fish. Can Frank get the moonstone back? Or will he be captured by the Swamp Creature?



Now for The Crazy Scientist And His Monster. This set comes with 4 minifigures: Quinton Steele, Rodney Rathbone, The Crazy Scientist and The Monster.
Mr. Steele and Dr. Rathbone are going after the Monster Moonstone! But its being guarded by the Crazy Scientist and his Monster! But the good thing is that Rodney and Quinton came with their car!
The car has a sliding seat, and 3 flick missiles! (Sorry, it won't let me download the picture!).

Now the lab has a lot of fancy stuff. Comes with a resurrection table for The Monster to lay on, and a prison for our heroes! And on the roof of the prison, there's a catapult! (And a glow in the dark spider on the side of it). On the Crazy Scientist's desk, there's a bone, a jar with a skeleton inside it, a wrench, a weird diamond or something, and... binoculars? No idea. And there's a frog and a glow in the dark mouse. And on the highest part of the lab, is some torches on the side, lightning, and the moonstone! Will the two monster fighters get the moonstone, or will they be taken captive?

Now, this set is HUGE. It has 5 minifigures: Frank Rock, Ann Lee, and 3 ghosts.
Frank and Ann are chasing the Ghost Train to retrieve the Ghost Moonstone! But the ghosts are attacking them! But their airplane can defeat them! The airplane has flick missiles and a vacuum weapon to suck all the ghosts into the barrel on the plane's back.
Now, compared to the airplane, the Ghost Train is big daddy. On the very back of the train, if you detach that from the train, its actually a little car. In front of that, there's a prison if the ghosts catch Ann and Frank! And in front of that, another mini car, and in front of that is the front of the train. And the moonstone is on top of it! Will the brave heroes get it in time? Or will they be locked in the prison?

 Now The Zombies is a little freaky. This set comes with 4 minifigures: Jack McHammer and 3 zombies.

All Jack was doing is riding his car, until he stumbled upon a zombie graveyard! But when he sees the Zombie Moonstone, he knows he has to get it.His car is full with surprises, so he can probably win! One side of Jack's car has a giant hammer to smash the ugly zombies! But if that doesn't work, try the flick missiles!
McHammer might have a car, but those zombies have a few traps at their graveyard! There are 2 coffins, but if you put a zombie in each one, I think your supposed to spin the moonstone, then the coffin lids pop off and they get up to attack! Inside the crypt, you'll see the moonstone! And behind that, is a pot. If you go up to reach the moonstone, someway you can get the pot rolling down towards you! Will Jack get the moonstone?

Now for the Haunted House. This set comes with 6 minifigures: Lord Vampyre, Lord Vampyre's Bride, 2 glow in the dark ghosts, Zombie Chef and Monster Butler.
Now before you enter the house, there's a gate. And... their like every other gate. (Cricket chirp). That's it. (Cricket chirp).
Now, if you look at the Haunted House, you would know it was haunted. Almost every widow is covered with a bar of wood. And to the right, there's a different entrance to outside. And on top of the roof, you'll see a bat.
Now, of course, there are rooms. When you look at it, you'd think there would be, like, a thousand rooms. But there's really only six. The first room you enter is... the... um... First Room? I don't know what its called. There's a fireplace, and on top of it is a ship in a bottle. And to the left is staircase that leads to the second floor.
On the right room on the bottom floor is the kitchen. In it is a spider web on the wall, a oven, a pan, a bottle, a snake and a pot.
On the left side of the second floor, is Lord Vampyre's Office. Comes with a seat, a letter, a desk, and those feather things the old people used to use rather than pencils or pens and stuff.
And on the right side of the second floor is what I think is the living room. There's a closet, a bed (at least that's what I think it is), a heart that's made of bones, a painting, and a plant.
And on the left side of the top floor, is what I like to call, The Lot Of Stuff Room. There's a jar, a glass cup, a bucket, a musket, and a chest with a lot of stuff.
And the last room, is a room I call The Music Room. There's a shelf with a jar and a bottle, a box with some stuff, and one of those old music player things. Do you have the guts to go in?


Now for the sinister Vampyre Castle. This set comes with 6 minifigures: Rodney Rathbone, Jack McHammer, Lord Vampyre, Lord Vampyre's Bride, and 2 manbats. (Plus a skeleton).
Lord Vampyre has stolen all the moonstones! Now he has the power to make everyday night! But Jack and Rodney are coming to foil his plans! But can they stop him in time? Their car that they brought is awesome. Because instead of missiles, it has a net launcher!
Now Vampyre Castle is REALLY dangerous. It has a place to hang the manbats! But that's not the only thing. There's missiles! But they have spiders on them! So, if I were the heroes, I would run!
Now when you go inside the castle, there's a trapdoor in there somewhere that if you fell in, there's a chance you can fall into spikes. There's lots of other stuff too! Like stairs (nothing dangerous on those), secret passageways, a coffin, prison and organ. But all that doesn't really matter. What matters is getting to the Moonstone Weapon! Can our heroes save the day?

Now for polybags. Their are 2 zombie cars: The Zombie Car, and the coffin car. And they all come with the same minifigure: The Zombie Driver.
Now the Zombie car comes with a spider, and, well, I think the car is actually a dune buggy or something. And the Coffin Car looks like a coffin with wheels. I know. Pretty boring.


Now the last Monster Fighters polybag is The Ghost Clock. Well, that's what I call it. This set comes with 1 minifigure: a ghost.
Now all this set really does is... well... nothing. Its just a fancy clock and a ghost with a chain.

Now the last set I'm going to talk about on this post is the Fall Scene. This set comes with 3 minifigures: a woman, a child, and a man.
Its fall time! And that means its time to rake up the leafs. This little set comes with 2 trees, a fence, some mushrooms, a wheelbarrow, and a lot of colored leafs.

                   Thank you for reading this long post! (If you did). Please comment!

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