Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Lego The Lord Of The Rings Gandalf Arrives, Attack On Weathertop, The Mines Of Moria, and The Orc Forge sets!

Who does not like The Lord Of The Rings sets? I know I do. So I'm talking about the sets Gandalf Arrives, Attack On Weathertop, The Mines Of Moria, and The Orc Forge!

First lets do Gandalf Arrives. This set comes with 2 minifigures: Frodo and Gandalf.
Gandalf has arrived to celebrate Bilbo's 111th birthday! And Frodo has came to help with the fireworks. Frodo has a book to read ( or was given to him, I have no idea ), and either Gandalf or Frodo has a backpack and a letter. And when they get hungry, they can eat a carrot  ( yummy! ).
Now all they have to do is finally unload the fireworks! ( Did you know that one of the fireworks is
a snake? ).

Now its time for Attack On Weathertop. This set comes with 5 minifigures: Frodo, Merry, Aragorn,
and 2 Ringwraiths.
The Ringwraiths have sensed the Ring on Weathertop! Help Frodo, Merry, and Aragorn defeat the Ringwraiths and escape from Weathertop safely. The Ringwraiths have new horses ( I guess their called Ringhorses ) to stomp on the heroes! But Aragorn has a torch to scare them away ( or burn them up, that's my idea ). But Aragorn must be careful! There's a LOT of trees. And if Aragorn swings it around or drops it, Weathertop will turn into Firetop! ( Note, this set doesn't have a feature of what I'm talking about. ). And if you go inside Weathertop, there's a flick missile end and you can push it to fire missiles! ( Other note, I have just now realized how to spell missile. So sorry! ). And when a Ringwraith is on Weathertop, you can release the trapdoor! And guess what Merry is doing?
Nothing. Just cooking. No fighting. Just eating apples. The best thing he can do is fight for his life with a carrot. And when you open Weathertop you can do the battle in there too! And if you don't have weapons, no worry's! They have a weapon rack! Will the heroes defeat the Ringwraiths? Or will
they defeat them?

Now The Mines Of Moria. This set comes with more like 9 minifigures: Pippin, Boromir, Gimli,
Legolas, 1 cave troll, 2 Moria Orcs, and 2 dead skeletons!

The brave heroes have traveled to the mines of Moria! But they have now realized that they have a cave troll in the mines! Now the troll has been released and there are Moria Orcs everywhere! Will
our heroes survive? Because I haven't seen the movie, I don't know if the gate is for going into the
mines or if its for the troll. But I think its a troll so whatever ( comment me if I got it right or wrong! ). So you must block the gate before the troll is released! ( Which will give you no luck ).
Be careful! When the cave troll is released, he can topple the walls on you! ( Or the other way around ). Do you know what Pippin DOES NOT like? Skeletons! Help Pippin drop the scary skeleton
into the well! Do you know that they have a hidden room with treasure! TREASURE! So you can steal the treasure from them if you want. Guess what Pippin? They have a tomb that has another
skeleton in it! Have fun! Will our brave heroes dodge the traps and defeat the troll and Orcs, or
will they end up with the skeletons?

Last, is The Orc Forge. This set comes with 4 minifigures: Lurtz, 1 Uruk-hai, and 2 Mordor Orcs.
Do you ever wonder where the Orcs and Uruk-hai get their weapons and armor? They get it from the
Orc forge. And did you know that Uruk-hai are risen from underground? I didn't know that! So they have a little pit that makes the Uruk-hai come out of the ground! Now how they make the metal is first they put the tiny chunks of metal into the bucket and it will be lifted up by the winch. Then
you grab the teeny metal and put it down the chute and lands in a pot or bucket or whatever you
want to call it. Then you pick that up and dump it in the furnace! Then you get the anvil and hammer them to make a perfect sword or armor! And another strange place the Urak-hai climb out is the side
of the forge! Uruk-hai pop out of strange places!

                                                                   Please comment!

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