Thursday, September 26, 2013

Lego Hobbit The Goblin King Battle and Riddles For The Ring sets!


Now remember when I talked about An Unexpected Gathering set for The Hobbit? ( If you haven't,
then do it this instant! ). Well, I wanted to do it again later! So, I decided to do it now. I'm gonna talk
about 2 of them: The Goblin King Battle, ( want it! ) and Riddles For The Ring! ( have it! ).

This set comes with 8 minifigures: Ori The Dwarf, Nori The Dwarf, Dori The Dwarf, Gandalf The Grey, The Goblin King, 2 Goblin soldiers, and 1 Goblin scribe.
The dwarfs and wizard are taken captive by the Goblin King and his fellow goblins! You must free them and kill the Goblin King! When you go up the ladder, get up fast! Because when you push a button, the ladder will fall! When you  cross the bridge, be careful! When you push a button, the bridge will break! And the goblin scribe like hanging around, but when he sees intruders, he gets pretty angry! Turn the thing and it will ether turn the crane thingy, or the bucket will lower. I don't know, but I know it does something! If you know, please comment me and tell me! I know it must be a hard way, but if you go to the side, there's a lever that if you and pull and makes a cage pop out and probably trap you! And if you want to be rich, push ANOTHER button that makes a box of treasure pop out! $$$! Then defeat the Goblin king when you get there!


Now time for Riddles For The Ring. This set comes with 2 minifigures: Bilbo Baggins and Gollom.
Now you know how Gollom fishes in his little boat? It comes in this set! It has some bones and skeleton arma on the boat. Sweet! Now, in the movie, Bilbo finds the Ring on a rock. Well, the rock is in this Lego set! So, at first it looks like a big rock. But when you move the front rocks, YIPEE!Still nothing. But when you twist the knob, a rock turns over and reveals the Ring!


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